Dominion Rules forums > My Dominion of Alstigar


I'm really not sure how many people even check this forum or even play DR anymore...but we like it (my group and I). When I started my campaign and we started to learn the system, I drew up a more or less "generic" map of a section of some world with no name. I called the map "The Barris Quarter" for no particular reason. Our first mini-game lasted about 4 or 5 months, playing every weekend. They wandered around and I kinda just grabbed a PDF adventure I had, "The Iron God" (by Frog God Games). It was for Swords & Wizardy (a 0e AD&D clone) I had no problem converting on the fly.

Anyway...I'm rambling. Ahem. So, we played and I created a few house rules and whatnot as we went along. One thing we all agreed on was that magic was basically over-powered for the type of "dungeon adventure style" gaming we like, but it would require more than a quick fix. I'm still working on that.

But, I decided to create an Obsidian Portal Campaign page for my DR stuff. I'm still populating it with stuff, but there should be stuff up over the comming week or two. Feel free to use it however you want (just don't copy-past-sell...use it for personal use and all that normal stuff is cool). Drop me a line if you use any of it or what have you.


Paul L. Ming

March 7, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul L. Ming


Updated the Obsidian Portal site ( ). Specifically the Wiki got a lot of entries.

Just FYI for anyone interested.


Paul L. Ming

March 12, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul L. Ming


Minor update. Just a few tweeks, really... (but I figured I'd at least let eveyone... ... ...know that I still work on it and we still play it from time to time [although 5e D&D currently has our attention] ).


Paul L. Ming

June 24, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterPaul L. Ming


Yay! Forums are working for me again. :)

Just a note that I've been trying to post for the last couple years... I updated stuff on my Dominions of Alstigar again. Can't remember what...but I am diddling around with it right now (offline). When I have something completed I'll be sure to upload it and post here.



Paul L. Ming

December 23, 2017 | Unregistered CommenterPaul L. Ming